Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Really good meeting today with Zanib, artist Nazia, Kate, Mariam and Katy. The pause and space allowed since Zanib and Mariam worked on gathering the last interviews of the British Pakistani women who left Clifton School in the 1970s has been worthwhile. Today we came to new understandings and space to connect the further development of this project with the wider TYS project which Kate as PI was able to enable. Katy's research so far was useful and especially the quote by Sullivan : 'To lay bare the questions that have been hidden by the answers', which expresses what I feel happened for each of us today. Through the process of this project whilst coming up with exciting ideas of how we can collaboratively engage all members of this project: including the poet Nayla, we have yet to meet, the older women and the young women yet to be confirmed, we each reflected upon our individual relationships with the project, the group and the living knowledge that we each bring. It also brought up a glimpse of a new way of universities being part of the community. It seems to me that these new understandings need time to percolate and that there is again space before confirming the arts methodologies as today was in fact the art. This said for me we reached what felt a more comfortable place and vision of how we can collaboratively create and artwork that both honours those involved and is enjoyable, whilst looking at one of the core themes in this specific project of the notion of success.

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